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against (spider)mites, thrips, whitefly

SWIRSKI-MITE PLUS are predatory mites in a sachet for the biological control of thrips, whitefly and tarsonemid mites. Every sachet contains feeding mites and produces around 250 predatory mites for the course of four weeks. The sachets are ready to be distributed over te plants. They already provided with a small clamp and a hole through which the predatory mites exit. SWIRSKI-MITE PLUS is available per 25 sachets (private) or per 100 or 500 sachets (business).

Regular price €22,68 EUR
Regular price Sale price €22,68 EUR
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Product type
predatory mite
greenhouse whitefly, tobacco whitefly, cabbage whitefly, western flower thrips, onion thrips, echinothrips, orchid thrips, palm thrips, banded greenhouse thrips, false spider mite, tarsonemid mite
Shelf life
2-3 days at 13°C
Duration of effect
Delivery time
2 - 3 days
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SWIRSKI-MITE PLUS contains the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii; which can be used for the biological control of several thrips species; such as western flower thrips; onion thrips and echinothrips. The predatory mite also feeds on the eggs and larvae of whitefly and on two-spotted spider mite and tarsonemid mite. The predatory mites are combined with feeding mites in a sachet which can easily be distributed over the plants.

How does SWIRSKI-MITE PLUS work?

Adult predatory mites and nimphs suck out the contents of eggs and larvae of both thrips and whitefly. They also feed on tarsonemid mites and two-spotted spider mite. In addition; Amblyseius swirskii can build up a population on pollen of for example paprika and egg plant. These predatory mites can therefore be released as soon as the crop starts to flower. The sachets produce new predatory mites for about four weeks. After four weeks new sachets should be used.

How to combine SWIRSKI-MITE PLUS

Against thrips infestation; this product is great in combination with THRIPOR or THRIPEX. Have a look at our products against thrips for other combinations. SWIRSKI-MITE PLUS against whitefly is great in combination with the parasitoids ENERMIX or EN-STRIP.MIRICAL is also a good choice.