
How can I order products at Entocare?

Entocare has a webshop where businesses and private customers can order products for biological pest control.

Does Entocare have a shop where I can buy products?

You can only order products from Entocare via the webshop. It is possible to collect ordered products after making an appointment by telephone.

How can I apply for a business account?

In the green top bar on the website you will find the button:register.
Below which you can choose “register business” or “register private”.
Business customers will receive a password from us after completing the business registration form.
Private customers can choose their own username and password and register immediately.

Can I still change my order after I have submitted it?

Unfortunately you cannot change an order once you have submitted it. If you want to order additional products, you can create a new order.

Can I choose a delivery date?

It is possible to choose a delivery date. When creating a new order, you can enter the date on which you want the package to be delivered in the field “Requested Delivery Date”. We do our best to deliver the order on this date. If this is not possible, for example due to insufficient availability of (one) of the products, we will contact you.

Waarom krijg ik geen bevestigingsmail?

We sturen iedere klant een email ter bevestiging van hun bestelling. We hebben gemerkt dat deze mails vaak door google geblokkeerd worden zodat het bericht niet bij de de ontvanger terecht komt (ook niet in de spam). het lijkt vooral voor te komen bij klanten met een gmail-account. Je kunt dit opheffen door contact@andermattnederland.nl als veilige afzender toe te voegen. In de volgende vraag lees je hoe je dit kunt doen.

Hoe kan ik een emailadres deblokkeren?

je kunt het emailadres van Entocare contact@andermattnederland.nl deblokkeren of als veilig adres toevoegen door de volgende stappen uit te voeren op je computer:

Geblokkeerde accounts zoeken of een blokkering opheffen

  1. Klik op uw computer rechtsboven op uw profielfoto of initiaal. Je Google-account beheren.
  2. Klik op Mensen en delen.
  3. Klik in het gedeelte ‘Contactpersonen’ op Geblokkeerd.
  4. Er wordt een lijst weergegeven met de accounts die u heeft geblokkeerd in Google-producten.

Shipping & delivery

How soon will I receive the product?

In general, it takes 2 to 4 working days for the product to be delivered. Because we work with living material, it is not always possible to ship our products the same day.
When creating a new order you can enter the date on which you want to receive the product.

Do I have to be at home when the package is delivered?

We send parcels for business customers by courier. To receive the parcel, someone must be present at the delivery address.

We almost always send private packages as a letterbox package. You don’t have to stay at home for this, since it fits through the letterbox.

What is the shelf life of the product?

Our products contain living insects. Therefore it is best to use the product immediately after you received it. Some products can be kept in the fridge for several days. More information about this can be found on the product page in the webshop or in the user manual.

Are packages sent when it freezes outside?

We keep a close eye on the weather conditions. If it freezes, we will wait to send private packages until the temperature is above zero again.

Business packages are sent in an insulating styrofoam box. Therefore, these packages can also be sent when it is freezing.

Are packages shipped on hot summer days?

We keep a close eye on the weather conditions. If possible, we ship with cooling elements in an insulating envelope. If the temperature approaches 30°C, we will postpone the sending of private packages.

Business packages are sent in an insulating styrofoam box with cooling elements. In this way, the packages can also be sent when it is very hot.

Product selection & application

How do I choose the right product?

On our website you can find a lot of information about making the right choice in biological pest control. For example, look under “pests and control agents” to see what the options are.
You can also find information about the application of products and which alternatives there are on the product pages in the webshop.

Don’t know what to do in a certain situation? Send an email to: post@entocare.nl

How do I use the product?

The user manual can be found on the product page in the webshop. Under the ‘application’ tab you can find instructions for the dosage and the conditions under which you can use the product.

Should I use this product indoors or outdoors?

Check the product page in the webshop under the tab “Application” for information on where and when to apply the product.

Are Entocare products dangerous for children or pets?

Entocare products are completely harmless to people, pets and the environment. You can use them safely in any situation. Because our beneficial insects are often very small, they will hardly be noticeable and you will not be bothered by them.

How long do the sachets with predatory mites last?

Sachets with predatory mites such as Swirski-Mite Plus and Spical-Plus are effective for 4 to 6 weeks. During this period new predatory mites keep coming out of the sachets.

Do I have to open the bags with predatory mites?

There is already a small hole in the bags. This allows the predatory mites to crawl out. It is not necessary to cut the sachet further open, the effect of the product will not increase.

I have released predatory mites but can't see anything. Are they dead?

Predatory mites are so small that you can hardly see them with the naked eye. They are more visible with a magnifying glass, but even then they are usually difficult to find. They are often hidden on the plant. If you do not see the mites, it does not mean they are dead.

What is the difference between Swirski-Mite Plus and Swirski Ulti-Mite sachets?

The Swirski Ulti-Mite sachets are made from industrial compostable material. You can dispose of these sachets together with the plant waste. Private customers can throw the sachets in the bin for organic waste.
Thanks to the new material, the contents of the Ulti-Mite bags are better protected against drying out. They are therefore very suitable for use in rooms with low humidity or variable temperatures.
Both sachets contain the same type and amount of predatory mites (about 250).