Pheromone tarnished plant bug - 1
Pheromone tarnished plant bug - 1
against true-bugs
Pheromone tarnished plant bug lures the males bugs into the associated trap. This way you can identify whether the pest is present and determine whether you need to take measures. Moreover, you trap a part of the harmful bugs. The pheromone is available per piece for business customers.

What is Pheromone tarnished plant bug?
Pheromones are specific fragrances that you can use to attract insects of a specific species. Often these are fragrances that the females of that insect species use to attract males. The pheromone was copied in the laboratory and put in a capsule. Pheromone tarnished plant bug is specific for luring males of the bug species Lygus rugulipennis. Other species are not attracted to this pheromone.
How does Pheromone tarnished plant bug work?
When you use the pheromone capsules in the greenhouse; the fragrance gradually evaporates from the carrier. The male bugs are lured into the trap. This will reduce the pest population. It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for all the pheromone to evaporate. If you keep the capsules in the freezer you can keep them for a long time; since no evaporation takes place.
How to combine Pheromone tarnished plant bug?
The pheromone for tarnished plant bugs is best used in combination with a funnel trap. The male bugs approach the trap and are caught in the collection reservoir via the funnel. With this catching system you will not be able to catch all bugs in the greenhouse. It is mainly intended to detect whether bugs are present. However; the more traps you hang; the greater the number of bugs that you catch.
In greenhouse: May - September
T = 15 - 35°C
RV = 40 - 80%
vegetable production
Gebruik ��n val met ��n feromooncapsule per 100 m²
- Do not open the pheromone capsule, the fragrance will evaporate through the tube.
- Gebruik het feromoon in combinatie met een groene trechterval met opzetstuk.
- Use one trap with one pheromone capsule per 100 m².
- Make sure the trap hangs slightly above the crop.
- Check the trap on a weekly basis for caught tarnished plant bugs.