against aphids, thrips
CHRYSOPA contains larvae of the indigenous green lacewing and can be used for the biological control of different aphid species. This product is packaged in a bottle with buckwheat shells. It can be applied not only indoors in greenhouses, but also outdoors in the garden, for example to control woolly beech aphid. CHRYSOPA is available in units of 500 larvae (private customers), 1000 and 10.000 larvae (business customers).

CHRYSOPA contains larvae of the lacewing Chrysoperla carnea. The larvae are extremely voracious: if they cannot find enough food; they will soon start to feed on each other. They consume many different aphid species. In addition; they also feed on mealybugs; thrips and moth eggs.
How does CHRYSOPA work?
As soon as the larvae are released; they start feeding on aphids or other prey. Even though the larvae are rather mobile; they do not disperse over long distances. Therefore; CHRYSOPA is best applied to remove local aphid hot spots. Remnants of the attacked aphids are difficult to find; because they completely shrivel. Lace wing pupae are rarely spotted in the greenhouse: an adult lace wing has the tendency to fly away without having deposited any eggs.
How to combine CHRYSOPA
CHRYSOPA is great to combine with parasitoids. They complement each other; since parasitoids are great long-distance searchers and focus more on the dispersed aphids. For example APHIPAR or APHILIN are good choices.
Indoors: February - November
Outdoors: April - October
T = 13 - 30°C
RH = 50 - 80%
indoor garden, vegetable production, hobby greenhouse, vegetable garden, ornamental production, ornamental garden
- Release at pest hot spots.
- Heavy infestation: use 10-20 per m².
- Light infestation: use 5-10 per m².
- Repeat several times with an interval of one week.
- Distribute the product directly by scattering the contents on the infested spots in the crop, between the leaves.
- Make sure the larvae do not fall on the ground.
- Can also be distributed using small, cardboard containers that are attached to the plant.