How do you recognize hemispherical scale?

Adult scales are round and spherical of shape and shiny brown colored. Underneath the scale cover an adult female produces many eggs. Young crawlers hatch from these eggs and move throughout the plant. The young stages are oval, flat and almost translucent yellow. Hemispherical scales are usually found sitting in a row along the vein on the underside of the leaf. The size of the adult scales depends on the host plant. 

Hemispherical scale damage

Hemispherical scales are plant-sucking insects that cause growth deformations to the plant. The large amount of honeydew that is secreted during feeding forms a growth medium for fungi which can hamper photosynthesis.

  • Life cycle hemispherical scale

    hundreds of eggs per female
    egg to adult: 8 or more weeks
    several generations a year

  • Host plants hemispherical scale

    coffee (Coffeae)
    citrus and other fruits

  • Different stages of the hemispherical scale