How to recognize mottled arum aphid

The mottled arum aphid is a medium sized (1.2-1.6 mm) round to oval shaped aphid. Its colour is shiny, light yellow-green, sometimes almost white, with dark crossbands and paired spots on the thorax. Antennae are longer than the body. Siphons, cauda and legs are lightly coloured. The body is coloured with dark stripes with a horseshoe-shaped spot on the back.

Mottled arum aphid damage

The mottled arum aphid produces large colonies which rapidly hamper plant growth and eventually cause plant death when not controlled. Even a small number of aphids cause nuisance with the production of honeydew. The fungus that grows on the honeydew hampers photosynthesis. Mottled arum aphid is known for being a virus vector.

  • Mottled arum aphid life cycle

    parthenogenetic reproduction
    viviparous females
    only female offspring

  • Mottled arum aphid host plants

    very polyphagous
    chrysant, begonia and fuchsia

  • Mottled arum aphid