How to recognize rose scale

Rose scales are covered by a white shield. The females are round-shaped and differ greatly from males. The body of females underneath the shield is lightly orange colored. The young scales that crawl from underneath the mother’s cover are orange as well. When the young scales have settled close to their mother, they start producing a white shield. They will spend the rest of their lives immobile underneath this shield. The males develop an elongated white ribbed cocoon. In the adult stage, the males will emerge and fly across short distances in search of mating partners. Like females, their body is orange of color.

A rose scale infestation stands out, because of the presence of white, peel-like structure. These infestations are often found on the stem of a shrub, concealed in the bottom of the crop. Rose scales do not produce honey dew.

Rose scale damage

Rose growers are very alert on recognizing a rose scale infestation. Experience shows that infestations are sometimes found when it has developed into a serious problem. Larger areas with a high density of scales cover the stems and young crawlers disperse to adjacent shrubs. Such high infestations cause major damage: the rose shrubs will be sucked dry, leaves yellow and wilt decreasing shoot and flower formation. Ultimately, plants can succumb completely due to have rose scale infestations.

  • Life cycle rose scale

    100-200 eggs per female
    high mortality under young crawlers
    egg to adult in 1-3 months
    development halted during winter
    several generations per year in greenhouses

  • Host plants rose scale

    berry bushes
    pear tree

  • Rose scale

  • Rose scale close-up