How to recognize the Australian cockroach

The Australian cockroach is 31-37 mm in size, darker coloured than the American cockroach and with a light–yellow stripe on each front wing. The thorax has a remarkable bright cross-band. Egg parcels contain 22-24 eggs. The egg parcels are often deposited on trunks or stems, ridges of pots or against walls, always on places with rough surfaces.

Australian cockroach damage and distribution

The Australian cockroach can survive on a completely plant-based diet. It is a tropical species and cannot survive indoors in the Netherlands. It is often found in tropical botanical gardens. Here, this species can develop large populations that cause large damage to flower and plants.

  • Australian cockroach life cycle

    20-30 egg parcels per female
    egg stage takes 40 days at 30 °C
    larval stage takes many months
    adults live about 6 months

  • Australian cockroach host plants

    eats many different plants and flowers
    often in tropical greenhouses

  • A young Australian cockroach

  • Australian cockroach egg parcel